As a partner, Flower worked together with customer to deliver reliable, efficient and low lifecycle costs. In the way we contribute further decreasing pollution and cost saving of energy from wind. Assesment by a Manger is that, Flower has same opinion as Winergy in customer service. We selected Flower’s excellent service system.
合作从供应Parker管接件开始,逐步扩大至液压管路定制。福乐尔以精良的设备和精湛的焊 接技艺、严谨的管路清洗和防锈处理工艺取得了客户的信任,经过严格的样件及生产件审批,我们成为客户的管路供应商。至今,福乐尔已为其提供了14种机型近10000万套液压配管,并提供VKM看板管理,给现场装配人员带来大便利,不仅提高了工作效率,而且节省了运营成本,获得客户认可。
Delivery is from Parker’s fittings. Our capability is include equipment such as CNC pipe bending machine and CMM, skillful welding worker and unique cleaning and antirust process. We fulfilled PPAP process and qualified by them. Till now we have supplied 10,000 of piping package and hose assembly for 14 wind turbine model. Through VKM to respond quickly, we satisfied our customer mostly.
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